Buku ini berisi contoh -contoh kata dan kalimat yang sering ditemukan dalam percakapan dan pergaulan. Dalam buku ini telah mencakup sopan santun dan pengetahuan umum yang terdapat dalam adat budaya jawa.
Kamus Pepak Bahasa Jawa disusun secara lengkap dan sistematis. kosa kata yang dimasukkan bukan hanya bahasa Jawa modern tetapi melingkupi pula Bahasa Jawi Kawi
Buku ini diterbitkan agar menandai berakhirnya kurun waktu kekosongn, yang selama enam puluh tahun terakhir tidak ada terbitan Bamus Bahasa Jawa seperti ini.
Buku ini diterbitkan agar menandai berakhirnya kurun waktu kekosongn, yang selama enam puluh tahun terakhir tidak ada terbitan Bamus Bahasa Jawa seperti ini.
This book also present theoties as well as activities that areclosely familiar to the students. The activities will explore your creativity and encourage you to use your language skills in English.
This book also present theoties as well as activities that areclosely familiar to the students. The activities will explore your creativity and encourage you to use your language skills in English.
This book also present theoties as well as activities that are closely familiar to the student. The activities will eksplore your creativity and encourage you to use and language skill in English.
This book also present theoties as well as activities that are closely familiar to the student. The activities will eksplore your creativity and encourage you to use and language skill in English.
This book also present theoties as well as activities that are closely familiar to the student. The activities will eksplore your creativity and encourage you to use and language skill in English.
This book also present theoties as well as activities that are closely familiar to the student. The activities will eksplore your creativity and encourage you to use and language skill in English.